The Ligandable Human Proteome


Serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1

Protein kinase domain

IndexLigand NameStructurePDB codeligand desolvation
11hkCrystal Structure of the CHK14ftm91.78
21aoX-RAY Crystal structure of compound 40 bound to human chk1 kinase domain4hyi91.6
309hX-ray crystal structure of compound 1 bound to human CHK1 kinase domain3u9n90.28
412c4-(Aminoalkylamino)-3-Benzimidazole-Quinolinones As Potent CHK1 Inhibitors2gdo89.51
577aStructure of h-CHK1 complexed with A7711292e9p88.19
6a25Structure of h-CHK1 complexed with A7801252e9u87.91
7zyrCrystal structure of checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) in complex with inhibitors2wmr86.74
81amX-RAY Crystal structure of compound 39 bound to human chk1 kinase domain4hyh86.65
93d3Identification of chemically diverse Chk1 inhibitors by receptor- based virtual screening2cgx86.37
104ymCrystal structure of checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) in complex with inhibitors2ym485.81
1122kX-ray crystal structure of compound 22k bound to human Chk1 kinase domain3ot385.1
127cscrystal structure of Chek1 in complex with inhibitor 2a2qhm85.08
13h2kCrystal Structure of the CHK14ft585.01
14ym8Crystal structure of checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) in complex with inhibitors2ym884.59
15h0kCrystal Structure of the CHK14ftl84.51
163dvCHK1 kinase domain in complex with aminopyrazine compound 134qyf84.49
173dlCHK1 kinase domain in complex with diarylpyrazine compound 14qye84.44
18ym6Crystal structure of checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) in complex with inhibitors2ym683.65
19mi5X-ray crystal structure of compound 17r bound to human Chk1 kinase domain3ot882.71
20zyvCrystal structure of checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) in complex with inhibitors2wmv82.67
21ydkDiscovery of Checkpoint Kinase Inhibitor AZD7762 by Structure Based Design and Optimization of Thiophene Carboxamide Ureas2ydk82.54
22hk7Crystal Structure of the CHK14fsy82.53
23x8iDiscovery of a Novel Class of triazolones as Checkpoint Kinase Inhibitors - Hit to Lead Exploration2x8i82.36
24h1kCrystal Structure of the CHK14ft382.29
25m54Crystal Structure of Chek1 in Complex with Inhibitor 542r0u82.1
27df2Structure-based Design of Novel Chk1 Inhibitors: Insights into Hydrogen Bonding and Protein-Ligand Affinity2bro81.71
28df1Structure-based Design of Novel Chk1 Inhibitors: Insights into Hydrogen Bonding and Protein-Ligand Affinity2brn81.6
30ym5Crystal structure of checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) in complex with inhibitors2ym581.06
31hk1Crystal Structure of the CHK14fsm80.85
32zyqCrystal structure of checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) in complex with inhibitors2wmq80.83
34hk9Crystal Structure of the CHK14ft080.07
357hkCrystal Structure of the CHK14ftu79.98
36c73X-ray crystal structure of compound 1 bound to human CHK1 kinase domain3pa579.39
37hk5Crystal Structure of the CHK14fsu79.05
38pfqStructure-based Design of Novel Chk1 Inhibitors: Insights into Hydrogen Bonding and Protein-Ligand Affinity2brb78.9
39ydjDiscovery of Checkpoint Kinase Inhibitor AZD7762 by Structure Based Design and Optimization of Thiophene Carboxamide Ureas2ydj78.68
40x8eDiscovery of a Novel Class of triazolones as Checkpoint Kinase Inhibitors - Hit to Lead Exploration2x8e78.18
41c70X-ray crystal structure of compound 70 bound to human CHK1 kinase domain3pa378
421koX-RAY Crystal structure of compound 22a (R)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-8-(piperidin-3-ylamino)imidazo[1,2-c]pyrimidine-5-carboxamide bound to human chk1 kinase domain4jik77.64
432hkCrystal Structure of the CHK14ftn77.6
44dfyStructure-based Design of Novel Chk1 Inhibitors: Insights into Hydrogen Bonding and Protein-Ligand Affinity2brg77.59
45zywCrystal structure of checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) in complex with inhibitors2wmw77.51
46c72X-ray crystal structure of compound 2a bound to human CHK1 kinase domain3pa477.2
47s25Crystal structure of Chk1 in complex with inhibitor S253tki76.96
485beNovel kinase profile highlights the temporal basis of context dependent checkpoint pathways to cell death3nlb75.71
49hk6Crystal Structure of the CHK14fsw75.55
50dfwStructure-based Design of Novel Chk1 Inhibitors: Insights into Hydrogen Bonding and Protein-Ligand Affinity2brh75.03
51zy6Crystal structure of checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) in complex with inhibitors2wmx74.83
52ym3Crystal structure of checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) in complex with inhibitors2ym374.44
53710crystal structure of Chek1 in complex with inhibitor 202hog74.31
544hkCrystal Structure of the CHK14ftq73.89
553x7CHK1 kinase domain with diazacarbazole compound 194rvm73.87
5685aStructure of h-CHK1 complexed with A8590172e9v73.48
576hkCrystal Structure of the CHK14ftt72.64
58hk8Crystal Structure of the CHK14fsz72.46
59a58Crystal Structure of the CHK14fsn72.39
60a58Structure of h-CHK1 complexed with AA5829392e9o71.34
61pfpStructure-based Design of Novel Chk1 Inhibitors: Insights into Hydrogen Bonding and Protein-Ligand Affinity2br171.25
62199Co-crystal structure of Checkpoint Kinase Chk1 with a pyrrolo-pyridine inhibitor1zys70.84
63306crystal structure of chek1 in complex with inhibitor 222hy070.81
645cvIdentification of Novel, in vivo Active Chk1 Inhibitors Utilizing Structure Guided Drug Design5dls70.15
653dwCHK1 kinase domain in complex with diazacarbazole compound 144qyg69.71
66hk0Crystal Structure of the CHK14gh268.73
6776aStructure of h-CHK1 complexed with A7670852e9n68.46
68422crystal structure of Chek1 in complex with inhibitor 12hxl66.68
69h8kCrystal Structure of the CHK14ftj66.3
70h7kCrystal Structure of the CHK14fti65.83
713hkCrystal Structure of the CHK14fto65.64
72373crystal structure of Chek1 in complex with inhibitor 22hxq65.29
73agxCharacterization of the Chk1 allosteric inhibitor binding site3jvr64.46
7438mCrystal structure of chk1 kinase in complex with inhibitor 383f9n62.95
75ydiDiscovery of Checkpoint Kinase Inhibitor AZD7762 by Structure Based Design and Optimization of Thiophene Carboxamide Ureas2ydi62.07
7607sCrystal structure of Chk1 in complex with inhibitor S013tkh55.89