The Ligandable Human Proteome


Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2

Protein kinase domain

IndexLigand NameStructurePDB codeligand desolvation
191lStructure of CaMKK2-inhibitor complex5yv897.37
28r7Crystal Structure of the Human CAMKK2B5uyj94.28
3dxvCrystal Structure of the Human CAMKK2B bound to GSK6503946bku91.31
492cStructure of CaMKK2-inhibitor complex5yvb90.19
58r4Crystal Structure of the Human CAMKK2B5uy689.95
691xStructure of CaMKK2-inhibitor complex5yva89.82
7f6jHuman CAMKK2 with GSK6503936cmj89.74
891oStructure of CaMKK2-inhibitor complex5yv985.11
9su6Structure of CaMKK2-inhibitor complex5yvc83.7
1034uCrystal Structure of the Human CAMKK2B in complex with CP6734516ble82.96
119jsCrystal Structure of the Human CAMKK2B bound to a thiadiazinone benzamide inhibitor5vt176.77
12bi9Crystal Structure of the Human CAMKK2B in complex with TAE-2266bql74.06
13r78Crystal Structure of the Human CAMKK2B in complex with BI25266bqq61.49